Sunday, March 9, 2025

I’m A Big Fan (Or A Little One)

May 14, 2018 by  
Filed under Community

Summertime is right around the corner and the temperatures can get hot hot hot!  You know what’s even more hot though?  The inside of your car!  That thing is like an oven during the summertime!!  It can get well over 100 Degrees!  Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to keep the car cooler during the hot daylight hours?  Well, you’re in luck!  There is!  Simply put a big block of ice into a cooler and open the lid while you’re gone.  The ice block will melt only the car will stay cooler!

Now come on!  That’s not very practical is it?  I mean sure, you’ll have plenty of water to drink and stay hydrated and who really has a big block of ice they can keep in their car every day?  For a more practical solution, there was an invention many years ago when solar power became popular.  And when I was a kid, we actually got one.  It’s a solar powered window fan.  Basically, it’s a little fan you stick in your window and during the day, it’s supposed to suck in cool (hot summer) air and cool down your car.  Now nay sayers aside, this little thing actually worked – although not very well.  You can see it here:



I thought about getting one cause it’s just a fun novelty toy and hey, it’s solar powered, how cool is that?  And well, all it’s really doing is blowing hot air around in your car.  The fan itself is SUPER, SUPER weak.  So I thought, hey, how about putting in a stronger fan?  The only challenge is how would it be powered?  Of course it could be battery powered only you’d use a ton of batteries if it ran every day, all day while you were at work or something, so that’s not very practical.  If you wanted solar power, then you’d actually have to a solar panel and a power inverter to convert it to 110 v AC plug in order for it to work with a portable fan in your car.  Again, not very practical and a little pricey (about $200 – $300 without the fan!).

There are quite a few DC powered portable car fans for sale like the SILIVN Electric Car Fan seen here:



Of course, once you turn off your car engine and go somewhere it doesn’t work – therefore defeating the purpose of this entire blog post.  And then I found it…  WAHHHH…  Thanks to the advancement in technologies, we now have USB powered fans!  Of course if you plug in a USB cord into your car and you leave, you still have the same challenge as a DC plug, so what should you do?  Why plug it into a portable USB power charger of course!  So now you can have a stronger fan than the weak, window solar powered fan.  You can have a less expensive power source than the huge solar panel, power inverter solution, and you can have a portable fan that runs even when the car is turned off and parked!  So introducing, the OPOLAR portable USB powered fan!



While there are few fans out there, the OPOLAR portable fan seems to have quite a few positive reviews!  Not only can you use it in your car to blow hot air around and hopefully keep it a little cooler, you can use it camping, at the beach, at home, and at the ball park (remember the hat with the solar powered fan on it?  No?  Take a look at it here:  Solar Powered Fan Hat

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Hey, summer’s right around the corner (or here already or gone – depending upon when you’re reading this).  Either way, make sure you’re prepared and get your USB powered fan today!