Saturday, February 22, 2025

Scoring A Touchdown In Your Business!

February 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Coaching

Did you watch the Superbowl this weekend? AMAZING! The entire season came down to one game!

Whether you’re a Colts fan or a Saints fan, you can’t deny the skill and dedication that it took those two teams to get together for one of the greatest games of the year. As a matter of fact, if you really look at it, playing football is the same as running a business!

For real?

Oh yes. Let me give you some examples.

First and foremost, both teams had a Burning Desire. Both teams wanted it more than the other teams they played (did you see the clips of the Saints throughout the season? This was a win for the City of New Orleans as much as it was a win for the team!). It was their burning desire which got them to the big game!

In business, you’ve got to have a burning desire! If you don’t have a burning desire, you’ll end up at the bottom of the league just like the RAMS or one of the other teams! Unfortunately in business, if you do bad, you don’t get the top draft picks the following year. Instead, you lose money or go out of business.

How hungry are you? How strong is your desire? What’s driving you to success?!!? And do you want it more than your competitors?

Secondly, both teams had major Focus. Have you seen the video of Drew Breeze throwing a football at a target? Check it out at It really shows you the power of dedication and focus. Both these teams had to stay focused all season long just to get to the big game. The Colts were so focused, they even pulled their starters at the end of the season (a very unpopular move).

Again in business, you must stay focused. It’s too easy to get distracted and lose your focus. If you do, then you’ll go around in circles and won’t get anything done. Stay focused and watch your business grow!
Third, these teams were persistent and took consistent Action. They showed up to work – everyday! They made it happen.

If you look at all the great players and actors and successful individuals out there, they’ll all tell you the same thing. Yes, you have to have a degree of talent. Only the thing that seperates them from everyone else is their level of dedication and taking consistent action to achieve greatness. Will Smith says that he’s just like every other actor except that when they go home, he’s probably still rehearsing. Michael Jordan got cut from his high school basketball team only he practiced every day and got to practice early and stayed late to practice even more – EVEN when he was at the top of his game, he never stopped this consistent action! Drew Breeze (watch the video) also practices consistently – even on his days off!

What consistent actions are you taking to make your business a success? When you “Take care of business” and do things on a consistent basis, your business wil

l grow and prosper.

Hey, there are a lot more similiarities between Successful Football teams and Successful businesses. And we can talk about them at our lunch meetups – only for now, start taking the steps that you need to win your own superbowl!

Celebrate Life!
Chaffee-Thanh Nguyen

P.S. Don’t forget about Lunch on Wednesday at the RAM! We’ll still be there even with all the snow! CONSISTENT ACTION!!!