Friday, February 21, 2025

Getting To Know You… Getting to know all about you…

What is success? Is it making a lot of money? Is it getting that prized promotion? Winning the race? Beating the competition? How about getting a hot date, finding a significant other, having children? Really, what is success? And more importantly, how do YOU achieve success? Pretty deep questions huh? Hey, if you could bottle […]

Find The Greatness Inside You

January 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Coaching

Les Brown says, “I don’t know who you are only I know there’s greatness inside of you.”  Over the past few months, I’ve found this to be true in so many people!  It’s absolutely fantastic!  Why and what happened?  Well keep on reading! Less than 6 months ago, I started running a group called the […]