Saturday, February 22, 2025

What You Focus On Expands

What you focus on expands.

Many of you know that I often talk about the Law of Attraction and the movie called the Secret. If you haven’t seen this movie yet, I highly recommend you go out and see it. When seen with an open mind and applying the techniques taught in the movie, quite literally miracles can occur.

Just listen to what happened to Robin King after she watched the movie.

This is so crazy! I went to my girlfriends this afternoon to watch The Secret (her first time, my fourth). I have been practicing attracting unexpected income. After the movie we went to eat and a man followed us into the restaurant. I ordered at the counter and when I was about to the pay, the man said, Do you want me to pay for your meal? Just like that! Dumbfounded I said sure. He laid a $10 bill down which paid for my $9.75 dinner. Then he turned around and walked out of the restaurant. It was unreal!

I come home and check my bank account. My boyfriend had moved $350 into my account. When I asked what it was for he said to help out with bills! In one day I have received $360 in unexpected income (I kept the twenty five cents change from my meal!).

I am truly blown away and more convinced than ever that The Secret does work! Thank you God, the universe, genie…everyone!
Now that may or may not happen to you depending on how much you believe in the Law of Attraction.

Julie Isaac believes in it. Just listen to what she had to say after she first watched the movie.

Blessings of abundance are everywhere! On the first day, my bank called and gave me a no strings attached fixed rate mortgage to stop my interest rate’s seemingly unstoppable rise, which will save me $65 a month now, and more if interest rates continue to rise.

Then, that night, I dreamed about lots of unexpected checks coming in the mail. The next day, I found a quarter in the dryer at the laundromat. It wasn’t much, but it was something.

Then today, Thanksgiving, I was opening myself to how unexpected money could come. I was trying not to get stuck in thoughts like “there’s no mail delivery today” and “Thanksgiving dinner isn’t usually a moneymaking proposition for me.” And in the midst of opening beyond these thoughts, I remembered that I had not yet cancelled two hotel reservations that I booked as part of a year long program I left several months ago.

The reservations have a 10 day cancellation policy and the next meeting is only 8 days away. The hotel would have been within their rights to refuse to refund my deposit for next week’s meeting, but they didn’t!!! So, of the $280 they’ll be refunding to me, $140 is truly a gift from the universe!

May we all, through this focusing and remembrance, come to more deeply embody life’s unlimited abundance!

Susan also had an incredible experience. Here’s her’s:

Hi Everyone!

Yesterday, my husband wanted to have several 1’x8′ mirrors cut, so I called a Glass Company. They quoted $125 to come out, plus $5 per cut and they couldn’t guarantee the mirrors would not break. We also needed mirror mastic to glue the mirrors to the wall. That was quoted at over $7 per tube. The universe arranged for my husband to go to the “wrong” glass company. The tubes of mastic were only $5 each. Later in the day, we again called the “wrong” glass company to see how much THEY charged to come out and do the cuts. The response was that they could, but it would be very expensive, however, they have a guy who does outside jobs (of course, it would have to be after hours) – leave our number and he will call us. We did. He did. He quoted $25 to come out and do 3 cuts and he would be there in about an hour. He was. We had forgotten 1 cut, so we actually needed 4 cuts. I asked him how much money he would like, and he said whatever we thought was fair. So I said, “well, we asked for 3 cuts and you quoted $25, and there were actually 4, so how about $40? He said that was great, and would we please keep his number and give it out as appropriate? We will, of course!

Yay! Thank you, Universe! I LOVE THIS! Thank you, Universe! KA-CHING! Bring it on!
I love you all,

Anyone can do this. And it’s not just about money either. Just listen to Rachel

Last year I had the opportunity to spend a month in Kenya doing volunteer work. The other volunteers on the project were from all over the world – Denmark, Holland, Germany, Japan… We all promised to keep in touch after the camp, to share our photos, etc.

A year later I’ve had no contact with any of the volunteers. This can be understood, we’re all busy and returning home after such an experience can be an adjustment. I’ve thought about it many times over the last year and felt disappointment and sadness, especially regarding one volunteer I’d felt I’d become close friends with.

Yesterday, out of the blue I started thinking about that trip and the other volunteers, wishing that I’d hear from them. Specifically, I thought about a group photo we’d taken that, on my camera everyone’s eyes were closed, and I’d sent an e-mail a year ago asking if anyone had a good picture they could e-mail me. I had gotten no response. The difference in my thoughts this time was that I felt good about it all. I missed everyone, but smiled at the experience and thought “wouldn’t it be nice to hear from them?”

Less than 24 hours later, while sitting at my computer an e-mail popped into my inbox. It was from the German volunteer. Just a “hello” and “sorry for not writing” and, “by the way, Rachel, here’s the photo you asked for.”

What a feeling of elation! I CREATED THIS WITH MY THOUGHTS!

I’m still dumbfounded!

Thoughts become things!
Rachel M Anzalone

Remember this.

Portion from Luke Lk 11: 9
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.


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