Saturday, February 22, 2025

Don’t Be A Fraud!

The headlines are full of them.  People who are fakes and frauds and people who are corrupt doing fake and fraud things.  Governor Blagovech who’s in the papers now is a prime example of this – and in our very own state of Illinois too.  Bernard Madoff was just arrested for running a $50 Billion ponzi scheme.

In the lines of Google’s theme of “Don’t be Evil” I say, “Don’t be a Fraud”.  There are many ways of being a fraud though.  The one that I’m referring to is your life.  Now you might say, “Hey, I’m not a fraud!”  Only I say, “Oh yeah, are you living the life of your dreams?  If not, are you working towards it?  No?  Then you’re a fraud… a fraud to yourself!”

You’re living a life unfulfilled.  You’re wasting your potential!  And you might think, “Well, at least I’m happy.”  And I say, “LIAR!  You’re content!  There’s a big difference!”

O.k.  Let’s take a little breather here cause you might be p!$$ed off at me right now because this is an IN YOUR FACE kind of article.  Really though, I wouldn’t really say this to you – unless I knew you.  Then I’d tell it to you cause I love you.  If I didn’t love you, then I’d just ignore you.  Tough love they call it.

So anyway, are you living up to your potential?  Are you doing what you can to live the life of your dreams?  Most people I know go about the day working a 9-to-5 which they don’t like only, “Hey, it pays the bills.”  In today’s world though, what if you lost that 9-to-5 job and got that pink slip?  It’s happening more often than anyone would like.   So do you have a plan B?  Do you have something to back you up?

You know the funny thing is that people often call artists, musicians, and actors starving (and yes, many of them are) only, at least they’re true to themselves.  They are doing or working on what they love and working as a server to supplement their life – not the other way around.  And you know the most amazing thing?  It’s that the people who do what they love the most as a living often times reaches levels of success that most people do not.  Just look at Oprah!

One of my mentors always told me, “Do what you love and the money will follow.”  This is true for singers, actors, painters, and anyone working a skill or job that they love.  Why, do you know that there are six figure jobs for guys and gals who love to play video games?!  Yes, they get to play video games all day long and suggest improvements and give feedback to the developers and then they get paid.  Paid to play!

So take a look at yourself

in the mirror one day and ask yourself, “Am I being true to myself?  Am I doing what I love to do and living my life to its fullest potential?”  If the answer isn’t yes, then you’re a fraud.  I can’t get any more in your face than that can I?  Only I do it because I love you.

So be true to yourself.  Find your passion.  Figure out what you love to do.  Start doing it.  Part time if you can’t do it full time.  And then do it more and more until it becomes full time!  Make it happen because only you can.  And you can too!  Never doubt that.  Start living the life of your dreams and don’t waste another second.  Go ahead.  Do it today.  And don’t be a fraud.