Saturday, February 22, 2025


Back in the late 1980’s, there was a nifty little device called the MotivAider.

Maybe you’ve heard of it – it’s still a big seller in the self-development industry.

Just the thought of these little devices is pretty crazy.

All it is, is a small, pager-style device that clips onto your belt and at a specified time, it beeps just like an alarm clock.


In fact, that’s all it is – a glorified alarm clock.

The crazy part of this is that it has actually changed hundreds and even thousands of lives.

Just this little magical beep.

Beep… Beep… Beep…  Oh, there’s another life changed…

“How could it do that.” you might ask?

Here’s how…

When you get the MotivAider, the first thing you do is mentally associate something with the beep.

For example, you may associate it with your goal to STOP SMOKING, then you set the beep to go off every hour.

Then every time you hear the beep go off, you simply do a mental check to ensure that you’re still ON TRACK with your goal to STOP SMOKING. 

That’s it.  Pretty crazy huh?

This simple little beep ensures that you keep your GOALS in MIND.  This keeps you motivated around the clock and stops your old bad habits from sneaking back in, when you’re “not looking.”

Then, like magic, within a couple of weeks, (21 days is a magical number), you start to develop new behaviors and your old negative habits will have disappeared. 

This simple little device works because…

The REASON most people do NOT achieve their goals is because they cannot persist their motivation.

Have you ever had this challenge?

It’s easy for people’s mind to shift focus and forget what they originally wanted to achieve.

The MotivAider kept their mind in focus by using this simple little beep.

Isn’t that wild?

In fact, in the 80’s, people world over began using tools such as the MotivAider to begin achieving ANYTHING.

Based upon personal testimonials, people were able to STOP SMOKING – in record time, get inside “THE ZONE” – and stay at peak performance, REDUCE STRESS – and regulate deep breathing, RELEASE ANY ADDICTION – drugs, alcohol, sex, and more, FEEL GOOD about themselves – and improve self-esteem, and ELIMINATE ANY BAD HABIT – quickly!

All from a little beep on the hip.

So what do you want to change in your life?

How would a little focus on your pla

ns help you get there?

All it takes is a little beep.

What are you waiting for?

Just beep your way to success!

Celebrate Life!
Chaffee-Thanh Nguyen

“Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular top ups.”

Peter Davies