Saturday, February 22, 2025

Predict Your Future

I just read a quote from an email I received. It said,
“Remember to be in Gratitude for what you have and less focused on what you don’t have.
This alone will change the world!”

What have you been focusing on lately? I was talking to an individual recently and I told them that I was planning on attending their chapter meeting. Their response was, “The meeting tomorrow is going to be horrible. Don’t go!” When I asked why they said that, they replied that there was going to be an announcement which would really drag everyone down. I asked them what that announcement was and when I was told what it was, I said, “Why, that’s great news. It’s going to be a fantastic meeting.” Sure enough, I went to that chapter’s meeting and the turn out was incredible! They had several visitations and when the announcement was made, there was applause around the room. The meeting was a great meeting!

So why would that individual say it’s a bad meeting and I would have a completely different take on it? It boils down to focus. You see, there is always a positive and a negative side of things. You get to choose for yourself which side you want to focus on. What you focus on expands. If you focus on the positive, it will expand and be positive. The opposite is also true. While I could have agreed with this individual and we could have gone to the meeting all bummed out from the announcement, I chose to see the good in the announcement and go and have a great time. By doing so, it changed the entire attitude of the meeting and everyone had a great time. What do you focus on regularly?

As I was leaving the meeting, I was talking to another individual who has an upcoming project and they too were focusing on their upcoming meeting. They said that they were afraid that their meeting wouldn’t have anyone showing up at it. I told them that their meeting was going to be great and they were going to have a ton of people showing up. They told me I was relentless with this positive thing. And of course I agreed with them.


the thing is that when you make being positive a habit – a part of your life, your world changes. When you start focusing on what you have and what you’re grateful for, your world changes. My world has dramatically changed since I started doing this. Give it a shot. I bet your world will change too.

Oh by the way, they had a great group of people showing up and had a great meeting. Predict your future and then go make it happen.