Friday, February 21, 2025

Getting To Know You… Getting to know all about you…

What is success? Is it making a lot of money? Is it getting that prized promotion? Winning the race? Beating the competition? How about getting a hot date, finding a significant other, having children? Really, what is success? And more importantly, how do YOU achieve success? Pretty deep questions huh? Hey, if you could bottle […]

The Attitude of Action

How many you want to feel better about your life and have more fun? How many people want to make your life work for you instead of working for your life? Yes! Most of us do! Before we begin, let me ask you a question, “What is the secret to losing weight?” Are you ready? […]

To P.S.S. or P.P.S. And then what?

February 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Coaching

What Your P’s And S’s!!! To P.S.S. or P.P.S. And then what? Well we all know that. It stands for Post Script or Post Scriptum in Latin.

And then you remember something else. So which one do you use?
P.P.S. or P.S.S.?