Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Attitude of Action

How many you want to feel better about your life and have more fun? How many people want to make your life work for you instead of working for your life? Yes! Most of us do!

Before we begin, let me ask you a question, “What is the secret to losing weight?” Are you ready? Do you want to know how to lose that extra tire around the waist or those extra pounds on the thighs? Do you really want to know? The secret to losing weight is… eat less and move more. Ooohhh. Aaaahhh… How many of you already knew that? How many of you already know information that would help your life if you would just apply it? Of course you do. The truth is that it’s not just knowing what to do, it’s actually doing it.

We have all heard clichés of, “just think positive” and “go for more”, and yet, there is more to it, isn’t there? There are some people that “do and have” , while others just “don’t and don’t have”. What’s the difference?

For every desire there is to improve one self in a certain area, only 5% ever really do something about it. While the other 95% live in hope and would of, could of, should of. If you’re still reading this article, then you must be part of the 5% that are doing something about it.

Now what you are about to learn is not for everyone. You need to be in a place where you truly desire more and want a change for the better in your life. And you need to be open to doing things in a new and different way. You need to make a decision to not just gather information. Do something about it and start living life. If you’re ready to start living life, then keep on reading!

Plato once said that we are in a constant state of growing or dying. In other words we are either getting more or we are getting less. There is no state of standing still. Are you getting more or less? More importantly, what is the price you pay when you aren’t living your life to the fullest? You end up living a life not happy, feeling unfulfilled, knowing you can be and have more. Or even worse, accepting that you can only have less!!

It’s amazing how many problems would be solved if we would just be happy. Notice I did not say we would be happy if so many problems were solved. I said “how many problems would be solved if we would just be happy.”

So there is your answer to everything, just be happy.

That’s it. Problem solved. Right? Well, how do you live a happier life? It goes beyond just thinking good things. Positive thinking is just the start. This is where most people stop. Positive thinking is a skill – skill of the mind, which we develop. We develop that skill by thinking beyond our current mindset. Or we start getting left behind, not having as much as we could have.

We all need to learn more and grow. Learn more about ourselves. Learn how to communicate better – communicate to others AND communicate to ourselves!

Communication is everything. Think about it, communication affects every area of our lives – from our work and business to our relationships. Yet we are not taught how to communicate properly. Other than the proper social manners to say thank you, you’re welcome, please and such. As kids we are just thrown on the playground in hopes that we make friends. Instead of being taught the skills to do so.

Most people’s method of learning is just doing the best they can, and figure it out. Instead, learn how to communicate the right way. Do not leave it to chance. For example, learn how to make friends by building trust, finding commonality, and understand the other person by putting yourself in their shoes. Then look for the Win-Win. What is a win-win? Right. It’s when both parties make sure that each of party wins. Now how can you make sure the other person wins if you don’t know what they want or need. You could guess what they need. Wouldn’t they rather you know what they need?

Whether it’s friendship or relief from a burden in their life, we communicate in ways that are effective, relatable and understandable. Choosing our words carefully. In fact there is a word that you can remove from your vocabulary all together. The word is “Can’t” “Can’t” doesn’t really have a meaning. What you mean is “I don’t want to” or “I don’t know how to”. If you don’t know how to, you can learn. Ask yourself, what knowledge do you need to acquire to get what you want? It’s not enough to do what “you think” is the best you can.

At one time people believed the world was flat. That’s what they believed, so it was true! What you believe to be true is true for you! The old cliché is true. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. When you think other people like you, you will attract more people into your life. At the same time, when you think life is hard, life will find a way to prove you right.

If you think others are not trustworthy, they will not be as dependable for you.
The question is what do you believe? Can you change your beliefs? By changing your beliefs, you will be changing your reality and therefore transform your life to the life you desire. It was Albert Einstein that said, “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge”. Imagine your success!

And you have got to step up to the plate and Commit. Communicate better, believe you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of, and step up to the plate and COMMIT! Heck, in this world today, I wonder if people remember what the meaning of commitment is. Commitment is sticking with it. Eliminating all other possibilities; Willingness to do what it takes; Even if that means change or pushing beyond our current limits; doing it regardless of our circumstances;

Here’s one area of commitment that is highly over looked, the commitment to training, growing, learning and taking action. In this world today, distractions and problems get in the way of our focus. If you don’t stay committed you can get labeled as a flip flop. The reality is, often lack of “commitment“, comes from lack of “confidence.” Work on your confidence, and the strength of your commitment will be stronger. How do we

gain confidence? The fastest way is by doing. ACTION!! Effective people take action! Without action nothing happens. Let me say that again… Without action, Nothing happens. Things only get worse; other people get what you want, and you end up talking about the one that got away, missed opportunities.

Don’t let any more opportunities get away from you. Start taking action now! Get yourself the Attitude of Action! When you have an attitude of action, things start getting done because you start doing it! Wow. See how that works? Simple right? I didn’t say it was easy. I said it was simple. You know what you need to do. So now it’s just a matter of doing it. So what are you waiting for? When would now be a good time to get starting living the life of your dreams?