Saturday, February 22, 2025

Win The Day!

Almost all of us have heard the story about the tortoise and the hare. While there are things to be said about getting somewhere quickly, the road to life is really a journey.  It’s that journey that makes us who we are. The first thing to realize though is that the tortoise doesn’t go anywhere […]

What’s Holding You Back?

February 17, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Personal Development

I was just checking out Yahoo Financial cause I regularly peruse financial info for my investments and ran across This a website started by at 16 year old Actress and get this… day trader. She made 338 trades on 2012 with a 30.4% return in her portfolio. Did I mention that she’s 16?  You […]

Living A Life Of Passion

April 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Coaching, Featured

“Attack every day with a ferocious desire to end it a better person than you were when you got up. Create the mindset to live life more fully than you have in the past. Decide right now that simply because the herd settles for mediocrity, appeasement, and existence, you will challenge your self to do, have, and become more.”