Sunday, March 9, 2025

Are You Asking The Right Questions?

December 10, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Personal Development

Are You Asking The Right Questions?   I’m blessed to get to travel across the country as a Strategic Coach helping people with their business or helping them start one.  At one particular event, I was standing there talking to a student who I could tell was a go-getter.  She had “the vision” and had […]

A Heart Felt Thanks To Our Veterans

November 28, 2016 by  
Filed under Coaching, Personal Development

At the time of this writing, it’s November 11, 2016 – Veteran’s Day….  Unfortunately, I was delinquent in getting this out on my blog!  I did send this out to all my followers though.  If you’d like to join my mailing list, please go to and opt-in to download my free report!  You’ll automatically […]

Thoughts Become Things

Thoughts Become Things One of the first times I heard that saying that, “Thoughts Become Things,” said by this fellow named Mahatma Gandhi (I think he knew a thing or two), I was thinking huh? Seriously, how do thoughts become things? I mean really, if I think of an elephant, does an elephant appear in […]

Are You A Headcase?

Are You A Head Case? Way back in the day when I was in high school, I had a friend who went away on vacation.  When she came back, she told me she got me a gift.  I’m thinking, “Great!  A free T-Shirt!”  I mean really, who wouldn’t think that right? Anyway, she gave me […]

Getting To Know You… Getting to know all about you…

What is success? Is it making a lot of money? Is it getting that prized promotion? Winning the race? Beating the competition? How about getting a hot date, finding a significant other, having children? Really, what is success? And more importantly, how do YOU achieve success? Pretty deep questions huh? Hey, if you could bottle […]

Overcome Writer’s Block And More!

I have writers block…  You know… that thing that prevents you from thinking properly and writing down stuff?  Well, I have that right now.  Seriously.  I just spent the last 20 minutes looking for something to write about and nothing jumped out at me. Has this ever happened to you? I did all the suggested […]

Kids Know Best

My son is at an age where his baby teeth are falling out so his adult teeth will come in. And like many kids, he doesn’t like getting his teeth pulled. It could be scary – especially if it’s slightly sore and not ready to come out. When I was a kid, my dad took […]

Life Is A Sales Job From Beginning To End

That sounds horrible doesn’t it? Especially if you hate sales. I mean, really, sell is a four letter word and we all know four letter words are bad right? Four letter words like… love, give, feel, good, life, and like… right? Wait a minute. Now that doesn’t sound right. For real, selling is bad right? […]

Is This A Reality TV Moment?

I was flipping through some channels on TV the other day and there was a reality show which caught my attention. Frankly, I don’t watch reality shows too often because most of the people on them are totally screwed up. Well, this clip just helped affirm my beliefs. This girl was yelling at this guy […]

Waiting For The Government

When he was running for president, Governor Mike Huckabee said probably the best line of the entire convention – Republican or Democratic. He said, “I’m not a Republican because I grew up rich, but because I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life poor, waiting for the government to rescue me.” Now, I […]

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