Monday, March 10, 2025

Don’t Be A Fraud!

The headlines are full of them.  People who are fakes and frauds and people who are corrupt doing fake and fraud things.  Governor Blagovech who’s in the papers now is a prime example of this – and in our very own state of Illinois too.  Bernard Madoff was just arrested for running a $50 Billion […]

Free Your Mind And The Rest Will Follow – The Example

Several years ago (and yes, I’m dating myself now), En Vogue came out with a great song entitled, “Free Your Mind”.  The actual main chorus line was free your mind and the rest will follow!  Wow!  How powerful of a statement is that?  If you think I’m talking hogwash, well then maybe you just need […]

Leaders Are Made

Leaders Are Made… Not Born. How many of you have heard that statement? I’m not sure who said it only someone did. They say that it doesn’t matter who you are or where you were born or what your background is, leaders are made… which means that through training, education, and life experiences you can […]

The Magic Switch

September 19, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Personal Development

Do you ever watch those shows on TV like the biggest loser where someone miraculously loses 200 pounds? Did you read the book Four Hour Work Week and learn how to make millions while only working well… four hours a week and traveling the world the rest of the time? Or how about that website […]

What’s Your Number?

September 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Coaching, Personal Development

What’s your number? No… that’s not a pick up line.  Well, it is, and it’s not in this article. Did you know, everyone’s got a number.  Now you might be thinking your phone number, favorite number, maybe your social security number (unless you’re an illegal alien here – and I heard congress is even working […]

What does group 1 NOT know that group 2 knows?

In Brilliant Compensations, Tim Sales (who built an organization with over 56,000 people) says, “There are people who earn $10,000 a year and there are people in that same year that earn $10 Million a year. Yet they both have 24 hours a day. What does group 1 NOT know that group 2 knows?” Have […]

Mother Nature Always Wins

It finally happened! It was building up for weeks and I was mentally putting it off longer and longer. Then it finally happened. I got sick. I got a fever. A real fever. 103 degrees (102.7 degrees to be exact). I’m a fairly healthy guy. Yes, I can eat better. I’m in decent (not great […]


Back in the late 1980’s, there was a nifty little device called the MotivAider. Maybe you’ve heard of it – it’s still a big seller in the self-development industry. Just the thought of these little devices is pretty crazy. All it is, is a small, pager-style device that clips onto your belt and at a […]

Win The Day!

Almost all of us have heard the story about the tortoise and the hare. While there are things to be said about getting somewhere quickly, the road to life is really a journey.  It’s that journey that makes us who we are. The first thing to realize though is that the tortoise doesn’t go anywhere […]

Burn The Boats!

“The truth of the matter is that there’s nothing you can’t accomplish if: You clearly decide what it is that you’re absolutely committed to achieving, You’re willing to take massive action, You notice what’s working or not, and You continue to change your approach until you achieve what you want, using whatever life gives you […]

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