Sunday, March 9, 2025


August 30, 2017 by  
Filed under Financial Services


Getting To Know You… Getting to know all about you…

What is success? Is it making a lot of money? Is it getting that prized promotion? Winning the race? Beating the competition? How about getting a hot date, finding a significant other, having children? Really, what is success? And more importantly, how do YOU achieve success? Pretty deep questions huh? Hey, if you could bottle […]

Life Is A Sales Job From Beginning To End

That sounds horrible doesn’t it? Especially if you hate sales. I mean, really, sell is a four letter word and we all know four letter words are bad right? Four letter words like… love, give, feel, good, life, and like… right? Wait a minute. Now that doesn’t sound right. For real, selling is bad right? […]

You Talkin’ To Me?

“The greatest communication problem is that the message sent is not the message received.” Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever said something and someone thought you said something else and got totally p!$$ed off at you? Have you ever congratulated a lady for being pregnant only to find out that she wasn’t? […]

The Sky Is Falling! The Sky Is Falling! And How You Can Avoid The Rubble…

At the time of this writing, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (The average of the 30 largest industrial stocks in the market) has dropped 1484.64 points in 21 days. That’s almost a 12% loss in less than a month and wipes out the gains for the entire year. In addition, the US Debt rating has […]

Save Money Now!

Hi Everyone! I just did a presentation for the Junior Chamber of Commerce and put together a handout from the presentation! Feel free to download your own copy of this presentation with hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of money saving tips! Simply enter your email address in the form below and you’ll receive […]

Benefits of Flipping Real Estate

March 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Financial Services

The obvious benefit and sought after benefit of flipping real estate is the profit. This is one incredibly tangible benefit, particularly when the profits are large and quick to come your way. Of course there are risks. Most ventures that offer high profit also come with a high degree of risk. Money, however, is not […]

Don’t Get Scammed: How to Protect Yourself

March 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Financial Services

There are thousands of unsuspecting people who end up falling victim to health insurance scams each year. Unauthorized insurers are ready to sell you health insurance with a low-cost premium and most people would never think that there are fake insurance companies out there waiting to steal your money. With so many companies offering health […]

How to Choose the Best Health Insurance for You

March 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Financial Services

With so many different types of health insurance plans and restrictions out there, it can be difficult finding the best health insurance for you. However, this process is not impossible to do well with a little research. There are a few items to look for when deciding on health insurance plans, and by considering them […]

Determining Where You Will Invest

March 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Financial Services

There are lots of different types of investments, and there are many factors in determining where you should invest your funds.  So many so that it may be confusing to you if you do not get the right education. Determining where you will invest begins with researching the various available types of investments, determining your […]